YO! wuts up with upping the price on the nvidia cardz? So AMD drops on the scene, and dats cool n’ all… but what, we supposed to believe nvidia is wurth mo? If it wuz the case, why not jst have AMD be on the cheapz, and leave nvidia at the OG prices? sirius! we only a couple mnths in and da price be on da upps. FER REALZ!!!

Having had a question about pricing myself recently and also having an appreciation about @hosome3977‘s writing style, I would like to (respectfully) translate:

Excuse me. I wish to inquire about some of the recent price changes relating to the NVIDIA GPU based systems here on MaximumSettings. With the arrival of the new AMD systems (which is great news by-the-by), your pricing plans seem to suggest that the NVIDIA cards are now more valuable. If this is the case, would it not have made sense to simply price the new AMD cards slightly cheaper than the NVIDIA cards, and avoid raising prices? Frankly speaking, many of us have only been using your cloud gaming service for a couple of months and it is concerning that prices are already on an upwards trajectory. I am just being honest.