fairly simple method of enabling steam console and using it to improve
steam remote play and fix the terrible image quality and pixelation.
the values shown below are not one-size-fits-all. the bitrate 50000 is Kbits. 1mbps = 1000kbps.

the instructions below are for you to do on your pc, not on the VM. the only thing that needs to be done on the VM steam client
is make sure Remote Play and hardware encoding is enabled, the rest is negotiated by the end user steam client (your local PC steam client).

  1. if you dont already have a steam shortcut on the desktop, create one.
  2. right click the steam shortcut, and go to properties

  1. edit the "Target" line, at the end of the line, after the quotation mark add a space and -console at the end.
    then click "OK" at the bottom after.

  2. exit steam, then launch using the shortcut on the desktop. when steam is finished loading you should now see "CONSOLE" next to your steam user name.

  3. now that you have access to the steam console you can issue commands not made available in the remote play settings. these examples were used with a 300/10 bandwidth connection at 40-50ms latency to maximumsettings.com , just keep that in mind, if your connection download speed is below 70mbps then you should use a lower bitrate. remember it has to be in kbps, not mbps. 1mbps = 1000kbps.

  4. try using this command (adjust bitrate --bitrate and resolution --captureres if needed). the --performance-overlay flag is optional but for fine tuning bitrates is invaluable, pay close attention to frame loss % while gaming, ideally you want this to be 0%. you can ignore any frame loss you might see while in game menu's or while it's loading. focus on keeping it 0% during gameplay.

@StreamClientArgs --captureres 1920x1080 --framerate 60 --bitrate 50000 --novsync --hwaccel --performance-overlay

  1. make sure the VM steam and your steam are both on, then stream the game and see how it works.

for a full list of available arguments for @StreamClientArgs you can look here.

once you have it fine tuned, save the command somewhere, you'll need to enter this command after launching steam. the arguments do
not persist after steam has been closed. if you enter a value that results in steam refusing to connect, restart steam and try again.

#in addition to the above directions, if you also want to use steam remote play as a full desktop stream. this is how.
there are a few caveats to using this, you wont be able to authourize any admin tasks and it can be a little unreliable at times.

  1. you'll need this tool, download it on the VM. https://github.com/VADemon/Steam-In-Home-Streaming-Remote-Desktop/releases/download/2017-01-21/Steam.Remote.Desktop-x64.exe
  2. add the file to steam as a "non-steam game" on the VM.
  3. now on your local PC steam client you should now see it in your library and be able to stream it.
  4. stream it, when it tells you to click on the desktop, click it. you should not be on a full desktop.