Hey Guys,

I hope you all are safe and well. In the past 72 hours MXS has had an influx of new users, and i hope you all are enjoying your new cloud gaming machine. I would like to inform all users of MXS to refrain from setting any custom resolutions via the NVidia control panel, as that is causing users to be greeted with the dreaded GPU blue screen of death. There is a fix for so anyone who is having this issue, do not worry and it will be dealt with in due course. However, it is a time-intensive fix and I would like to kindly ask that all MXS users to not set any custom resolutions for the time being.

I do understand for users who have ultra-wide monitors or are attempting to duel screen, that this can be inconvenient. I thank you for your patience and understanding, and please be rest assured by knowing that MXS is looking for a long term fix in regards to setting custom resolutions for users who may need them. As always stay safe and Happy Gaming!

Bobby Gooner
Community Helper

a year later

Hi Bobby,

Is this issue solved? Currently working on a 32:9 monitor and would love to use my full resolution!


    mxdumas yes I have been able to setup custom resolutions on both nvidia gpu and amd gpu instances but you need to be mindfull of resolution limits of your streaming codec and resolution limits of the monitor simulator dongle attached to the GPUs. In most cases the dongle is a 4K dongle so you would need to work with that aspect ratio but with a lower resolution. Also some streaming codecs can’t exceed 4K and some can.

    Thanks for the follow up. I managed to get the 5120x1440 resolution working fine on NVIDIA (with the 1080), but not on AMD (6800 XT). Moonlight tells me that GPU does not support resolutions >4K (which is weird since 5120x1440 is 0.9x 4K). I managed to get a custom resolution of 3840x1080 though.

    I managed to get 3440x1440, which is a compromise. Like you said, might be a limitation of the monitor simulator. Wondering why it is working fine on the 1080 though...