Hey Maximers,

I hope everyone is safe and enjoying your well-earned rest during the holiday period. What a year it has been, full of many ups and downs (mostly downs), but we all have persevered and have come away being stronger than ever.

It has been a great year for Maximum Settings, and it's mainly thanks to the fantastic feedback and suggestions from the community and A/A+ members that have allowed us to implement the changes that were required in order to make Maximum Settings a service we can all be proud of.

We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your continued support and patience throughout the year. We have come far since the initial beta launch but it is only the beginning!

2021 will be a big year for Maximum settings, with the launch of Tier 4 AMD gaming rigs, an EU server in Lisbon, and also the continued development of Open-Stream streamer.

We hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Maximum Settings Team