• Announcements
  • Maximum Settings - Guides (Useful to Current Customers and Non-Customers)


Hello there.

My name is Angel and many of you already know me, while some that join the Maximum Settings might not know me.
I enjoy helping everyone in general, as much as I can and I’m one of those that if you want to ask me questions about the service or anything you know, I’d be one of those, that would love to help you out.

I see that many people joined the service recently and some of you might have questions you want to ask, some of you might be shy to ask and think it’s a stupid question but remember even if your questions “seems stupid” Nothing truly is, because something minimal you might want to ask, sometimes other 100 persons want a reply.

Maximum Settings – Concept

As you know, Maximum Settings is a Cloud Computer, similar to Shadow.Tech, Tresorio and a few other competitors around the Market. Their main objective is to let people play every game they love, even if they don’t have a powerful PC at their home or people who travel a lot like me and that use a Microsoft Surface as the physical hardware and then uses something like Maximum Settings as something Secondary to be able to play and do “other more powerful tasks”.

**Where does Maximum Settings differ then? **

A: To begin with – Maximum Settings provides people with options that are mostly known as Tiers where you have multiple options in Hardware. Example – Tier 1 NVIDIA – You’d get a GTX 1070, with 10GB of usable RAM and 128GB SSD Storage and a second disk with 1TB Mechanical Storage.
You have a Tier that is pretty much similar and that would be Tier 1 – AMD Radeon RX 480 – Both tiers are pretty much the same, they differ on the CPU which AMD Tier 1 uses an Intel I7, while NVIDIA uses an AMD Ryzen 5 1400.

Of course, you can always find out more information at - Maximum Settings Cloud Gaming – Dedicated PC Game Streaming

How does Maximum Settings charge the user

A: Basically, the user (yes, you!!) In your “Customer Area” you have an option where you can add balance from 5$ CAD to 100$ CAD and whenever you start your Maximum Settings device, you’ll be charged for the use you do… It’s not like, you’re a minute in the Machine and you’re charged 5 minutes for example… You’re charged for every second, the machine is on, which of course makes the whole service different, because other competitors usually charge for 2 minutes – half an hour, making this system fairer for the end-user.

Where is Maximum Settings located

A: Maximum Settings is located in Toronto, Ontario in Canada. The service is useable in Canada and practically in the United States, as well. Meaning you wouldn’t have problems most likely, if you play from one of those areas. There are many known users playing from the – United Kingdom, Europe. Using the NVIDIA Tiers, because the latency is significantly reduced in an NVIDIA Machine than the AMD where it would be higher, probably making the usage in general “unplayable” – The image would be pixelated and probably you’d feel all that “nasty lag”

**Maximum Settings – Orders Openings / Closures (Availability) **

Maximum Settings is a service that is always on demand, meaning many people want to have a rig and want to have this service to use it in general. Because of that, you’ll find a common message in their website, saying that “Hardware Capacity has been reached” – That can be due to many factors – “Hardware Silicone Shortage, many people in general just buying machines exhausting the stock and so they are not able to deliver the service to every single one, so many things could make one, unable to order this service… And trust me, I’d wish this service was available to you all the time </3 , it would be so awesome to see everyone able to play, what they most like, trust me I’m one of those that would love to see each and everyone of you happy doing what you most like!

Although, I’m sure, like really, really sure… One day, you’ll be able to order your most beautiful machine and enjoy all the games you like! <3

How do I know if orders are open The best thing you would do is in their Discord Server you have a channel named #Announcements and from there our very dear and friend @MXS Status Bot#8618 will be able to tell you when orders are open or even closed. I’d just look at that channel very carefully, because that could be literally your chance to have access to the service!

Important – Many times, it’s not worth asking – Maximum Settings Staff when orders will be closed, because they wouldn’t be able to respond to that, they aren’t usually able to calculate, how many people will want to have the access to their service or when they’ll have new rigs/systems, it’s really hard as I said to guess when things will be working in general. The same goes for Users, they aren’t able to most likely guess when new services will be available

Maximum Settings – Upgrading and Downgrading

When you own a Tier at the Maximum Settings, for example Tier 1, sometimes you can upgrade your service… It could be between an NVIDIA Tier to another NVIDIA Tier… Or NVIDIA Tier to an AMD Tier or even AMD to NVIDIA and AMD to AMD…

If I upgrade the service will I lose my existing data?

A: In some circumstances you could either keep or even have your data completely erased.

For example - If you upgrade from an NVIDIA Tier to another NVIDIA Tier – You’d keep your data

However, **If you upgrade from an NVIDIA Tier to an AMD Tier, it will mean you’d be losing your data and it would be completely erased.

The same happens in an AMD Tier – If you upgrade from AMD to AMD, it will mean you’d keep your data and if you go from AMD to NVIDIA – You’d lose your data.

What about Downgrades?

A: In every single circumstance, you’d be losing your data, if you do a downgrade. Even if it’s from NVIDIA to NVIDIA and AMD to AMD.

Maximum Settings – Console

As you may have noticed, when you sign into your Maximum Settings Rig you have a pretty cool Dashboard! And from there, you’re able to manage your whole rig… You can Start it, Shutdown, Force Shutdown and Factory Reset.
You can even Upgrade and Downgrade from their dashboard, no need to make another account!

What Settings could be more important from you in my opinion? The fact at that little “Settings” menu, you can set up a higher Shutdown Time, meaning if the 5 default hours are not enough for you and you need more to play your cool games, either competitive or casual... You can just set it to be online 12 hours and you will generally have no worries about it!


From your Dashboard, you can find an option called – Console from there, you’re able to open something called “NOVNC” which will practically give you access to the Windows View in your Rig.


“Then why would I use the console”

A: You’d use the Console, in-case you want to do something basic – Like upgrade your drivers, install Parsec if it’s not installed… Or configure Moonlight.

The Console can usually be used for something like an emergency – For example, most users would use TeamViewer to monitor their machine, if it goes down or something like that and the Console is something where you can monitor the machine, in-case you cannot connect with Moonlight or Parsec, you’d usually have access to everything from there.

Maximum Settings – Parsec and Moonlight

Parsec and Moonlight are the two applications, you’d want to use to play your games.

When is Parsec recommended? – Parsec would be recommended, if you’re using an AMD Machine, Moonlight isn’t the best in my opinion when it comes to the AMD currently and you’d find yourself with a pretty better performance, when it comes to Parsec. Of course, as I said before, if you’re from the Europe, I totally do not recommend an AMD Machine and Parsec in general, even if you’re into an NVIDIA Rig.
When is Moonlight recommended? – In every occasion you’re using an NVIDIA Tier, it would be advisable that you’re using Moonlight, instead of the Parsec… Because the experience is not the same, most people find that the latency is just lower and the experience Is totally different in a better perspective to Moonlight, if you’re in an NVIDIA Rig.

Connecting to Moonlight – Joining your rig, through Moonlight it’s usually easy – The IP you use from Maximum Settings belongs to you and only to you and it never changes, meaning you won’t have to configure Moonlight every single time, you hop in your Maximum Settings machine, you’d need to have “Nvidia Geforce Experience” to do the first connection and I recommend you to be on the console, because when you input the RIG IP in the Moonlight, it will require a code that you need to input in your Maximum Settings Machine, as if you were connecting an NVIDIA Shield to the rig.
Once you configure it, it should be easy to hop and play, of course though… In the Moonlight Settings you’d want to configure it… With what mostly is appropriated to your Internet Connection and Location, so try to adjust that to whatever you think it will suit your experience with the Maximum Settings Service.

How do I connect to Parsec? – You’d need to make an account at - Connect to Work or Games from Anywhere | Parsec and from there you’re going to download Parsec in your Local and Maximum Settings rig. You’ll log in to Parsec in both machines – At the Maximum Settings, you’d want to use “Console” to be able to login and to do the initial configuration. Whenever you’re logged into the both places, you should be able to hop into your Maximum Settings rig through your local by clicking “Connect” in the PC that should be named like “MXS-***”

From Parsec, you should be able to configure your settings, just like you would in the Moonlight, you’d have a small menu to be able to do that, while you’re at your rig and from there you can adjust the settings to whatever you think it will suit you better in terms of quality.

Just a few more words

The reason why, I’ve done this “kind of amateur guide” is because, I notice many of you have questions and sometimes not everyone is available to respond to you, about something you’d probably want to have the answer in front of you already, I know this isn’t too much, but I hope it will be able to suffice some of your questions, you might have about the service.

I know also, many new users have questions in general about the service, that would like to be answered, because they don’t have experience in general with “Cloud Services” and I hope this is enough to help them in general. This goes for new users as I said and even for people who do not have access to a Maximum Settings rig yet, it will include information in general that everyone would like to have.

And from the bottom of my heart, I hope you enjoy the service and you’re very happy while using it and have a truly awesome and lovely experience playing your games in the Maximum Settings!

My best regards,

Angel (Also known as AngeI#6666 at Discord) <3 )

BobbyG locked the discussion .