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  • Final Fantasy XIV - Mouse FIX for both Parsec and Moonlight

Hello everyone, I'm posting something here in hopes that will help many people that play - Final Fantasy XIV at Maximum Settings, any computer that you have at home and you're streaming it through another with Parsec. I'm also going to speak about "Moonlight" mostly known to use NVIDIA GameStream.

I know that some people have tried many times to play this game over this platforms and they just gave up, since the game was "unplayable", either because the mouse is "in sync" with wherever you are clicking, like you try to click "Start Game" or an ability and instead, it clicks somewhere else, even if everything seems to be well and properly configured.


At Parsec, it's suggested that at Settings over the Network Tab - You set up the "Congestion Algorithm" option to be at - "New Relaxed" - while you can set up, the other options at your liking for the most part, if you know what you're doing.

  • Final Fantasy XIV over Parsec, the mouse works in every single perspective, although whenever you click while you're in-game, trying to either do a Raid, Trial, you'll be facing issues where the camera goes up and down or whenever you don't feel like using your F1, F2 or any keyboard key to just "target" either the tank, if you're trying to heal them or if you just want to target an enemy manually with the mouse.

    **1 - You'll be wanting to go over to the Mouse Properties - Both in your Local and the Cloud System, you'll be streaming and you will want to go to "Pointer Options" and disable the option "Enhance Pointer Precision", the reason why, we're using this settings, it's because we will be changing Settings in Final Fantasy XIV, that may add some extra latency to your mouse and this option specifically, may help a little with it. The latency itself is mostly normal and comes from the game you're playing, while playing in a Cloud Rig for example, wouldn't help with the issue at all.

    2 - Afterwards, you'll want to launch - Final Fantasy XIV, you will want to open the menu, where you see the settings and you'll want to open - "System Configuration", when you do that, you'll have the symbol of a mouse, which will lead you to the "Mouse Settings", you'll see something called - "Expanded Mouse Functionality Settings" - by default the option selected will be "Hardware Cursor: FFXIV Custom" and you'll want to change that to "Software Cursor" and also disable the "Enable Tracking" option, which is also an exclusive option if you select the Software Cursor.

You'll want to change more settings in - Final Fantasy XIV, which can be more tricky, because it may depend on your latency. I've tried this with multiple connections, I'll provide here an example.

The next step will be going to "Mouse Camera Sensivity" - You'll be able to change it from 0 to 100.

Example 1 - (A connection with 40 ms) - I was comfortable enough to play with the option at "82" and the mouse was smooth and it turned the game into something more perfect, where you create that atmosphere, where you're feeling the game is running at a "Local Experience", where you forget, you're actually in a Cloud PC.

Example 2 - (A connection with 120-125 ms) , I was comfortable enough to have the setting at "100", while playing at this one for the most part, it was really an amazing experience with the AMD 6800xt, while at a "5700xt" for example, you'll also be fine playing the game and it will feel like a "Local Experience" and trust me, if you're into the game, you'll spend lots of hours and you will even forget what time is, if you're playing at a Maximum Settings rig. You'll probably see yourself topping up your credits even more than the usual, if you get into the best experience ever.**


At Moonlight, it's also possible to fix the issues.
You'll want to do step 1 and you can also go with step 2, which will fix the mouse the same way Parsec Does.

Although here, you have something special.

Let's say... You don't bother with the Final Fantasy XIV - Mouse and you don't mind looking at the "Windows" mouse. You can go with the "Hardware Cursor: OS Standard" - While this option doesn't work well at all with Parsec, it will definitely work with Moonlight and in my opinion you'll have a smooth experience, while playing Final Fantasy XIV. You don't truly have to bother with the "Mouse Camera Sensitivity".

In my experience the game also runs very well in "Borderless Windowed" , where you'll also want to tweak the settings to your liking and also... In Maximum Settings specifically - You should tweak the settings at "Default UI Size" and the "HUD Layout", play with all of those settings and everything will really go well with this rigs.

In terms of DPI at mouse - I suggest 800DPI - I'm playing with a Razer Naga Trinity and the most lowest setting here, makes me feel well playing the game, as I move the mouse around and around. In any content - Savage Raids, Trials, Dungeons, (etc...)

This adds a whole new experience to "EU Residents" too, because people living in Europe with a good amount of ping, will still be able to play this game, if they want and it will be completely playable.

You'll enjoy the game really much and trust me, you'll also be able to waste your whole time at Limsa Lominsa, as you would do in a "Local Rig" and you'll be able to play the newest expansion in November - "Endwalker" with no issues.

If you reached here, I'm gonna assume you've read the whole thing, which can be a lot... But in the end, if it makes your experience good and if it adds fun to you, I'm sure it was all worth it.

If you need any help, feel free to hit me up and I'll be doing my best to help you, even if you have questions about the game settings, moonlight or how you can just tweak it in general to make things to your liking.

My best regards,

  • Angel (Also known as AngeI#6666 at Discord)
BobbyG locked the discussion .