does maximum settings have any plans to allow custom builds of your cloud pcs? or maybe, what about upgrading of just the CPU, or GPU for example? i can see how som people might want to increase one part of their cloud computer, but may not want to want to jump from the 0.50/hr to 1.00/hr plan. this would be pretty cool if u could make it happen. maybe not so easy though. anyways just thought i'd ask.

    6 days later

    I just started a thread about increasing my storage, which essentially would be customizing. Hopefully somebody will get back to us.

    recordofromCA Hey, I know for sure that a feature is in the works for this to happen. Where we will be able to set up multiple VMs and pay according to specifications of the VMs we use and it’s hourly rate. I’m not sure about when it will be available but it’s in the works from what I’ve heard. Very exciting times at Maximumsettings.

    8 days later

    Most of the other cloud pc gaming companies don't offer customizing, so MaximumSettings being able to allow for customization would really set them apart. Already, the whole operation has a more 'tech community' feel to it as opposed to the kind of 'corporate digital monster' feel I got from Stadia. Not naive though, I get that MS is a corporation too.