I’m an existing MaximumSettings client on an Nvidia 1070 plan. I’ve seen that the package prices on the Nvidia cards has gone up a bit with the introduction of the new AMD GPU plans. What I want to know is, will my prices go higher? Does the price change take immediate effect on my account, or is it only when you make a new purchase that the price increases?

    Thomas Your price will not go higher, already existing clients will stay at the same rate.

    So, just so that I have this right, if I buy more hours my price stays the same and doesn't go up???

      Original users stay on the original pricing scheme? If that's seriously what's happening, that would be awesome! And massive kudos to maximum settings for showing love to early adopters. Any idea how long that will go for? They can't keep it like that forever.

      It is a wise decision that Maximum Settings is respecting those of us who have paid for service while they are still figuring out the bugs in their system.

        hobocleat I know right. It's almost like they owe us something, or are in our debt for using their service during the BETA they clearly told us about. Those 100 free hrs... not enough... right!?! 😆 They run into a problem with synching and the system is down for a couple of hrs. They give us 10 free hrs....

          It's important to note that maximum settings are still in beta and will be for some time now. The new packages are awesome and will be available soon, and the price increase definitely justifies the improved hardware. I think in the future all packages and tiers will have the 3900x cpu as standard. The price staying the same is a very nice gesture and I think it will be honored going forward. Thanks for supporting maximum settings, cloud gaming is a new frontier for everyone and your patience and feedback is very appreciated.