Blizzard has confirmed that hardcore Diablo 4 players may need to rediscover the map and recapture all of the Altar of Lilith if their characters die before Season 1 begins on July 20th. Diablo 4 Season 1 will begin on July 20, and it's a major concern for fans What we've experienced is that everything continues when the first season of the popular action role-playing game begins. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

Initially, there didn't seem to be much content in the first season of Diablo 4. The community was concerned, and many fans didn't want to rediscover the world map or hunt down all of Lilith's altars again. Blizzard listened to this feedback and made this arrangement so that Diablo 4 players don't have to repeat everything when Season 1 launches on July 20th. After downloading the update, which is scheduled to be released on July 18, all Diablo 4 players will have to do is log in to make the most progress on any character to ensure they get the honor of being a Season 1 character.

Unfortunately, this could be tricky for Diablo 4 hardcore players. Diablo 4's Hardcore mode features permanent death, so if a hardcore character has unlocked all of Lilith's Altars and the entire map, they'll want to make sure that they survive until after the July 18th update. If their hardcore character dies between now and then, they will be out of luck and will effectively be starting Season 1 from scratch.

While some may argue that Diablo 4 players knew the risks when they created their hardcore characters, it's safe to say that many will assume that reputation points for maps and Lilith's altar will be tied to their accounts. For some, the safest course of action may be to stop playing Diablo 4 Hardcore Characters before the July 18 update is released so they can get the honor they deserve for the quests they've already completed in the game.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the first season of Diablo 4. The game attracted many new players who were unfamiliar with how its seasonal content worked. Like past Diablo games, Diablo 4 lets players create a new character for each season. While this was expected by hardcore Diablo fans, new players were disappointed by the news.

The good news is that players won't have to stress about making sure their prestige progress continues once Season 1 of Diablo 4 begins. To say the least, future Diablo 4 seasons should go much more smoothly. More game guides are detailed at