
  • Aug 3, 2023
  • Joined Oct 28, 2022
  • Choosing a class in Baldur's Gate 3 is an important part of the character creation process, and magician is one of the most popular choices for players. Unlike wizards whose power comes from knowledge, warlocks are natural spellcasters whose powers are innate. A wizard's source of magic is either bloodline or magical talent, which gives them some advantages over other spellcasters. The wizard subclass is the background of their lineage and the source of their magic. Players can prepare enough Baldur's Gate 3 Account in the game.

    Sorcerers in Baldur's Gate 3 must choose a subclass when creating a character. This choice is crucial to different game mechanics, from random magic effects to various resistances, and informs the wizard's backstory, their attitude towards magic, and how they behave on the battlefield. Different bloodline subcategories give magicians different effects, but most of these effects are offensive magic that can serve or hinder the team.

    Why a wizard's lineage determines their abilities in Baldur's Gate 3
    Wizards have three subclasses to choose from that indicate their lineage:

    Wild Magic: Every time a spell of level 1 or higher is cast, magic has a chance to surge and produce random effects. Also gains the Chaos Tides ability, which provides advantage on your next attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, and increases your chance to surge magic.
    Dragon Bloodline: Magician's maximum health increases by 1 per level, Magician's skin is partially covered by dragon scales, and their base armor rating increases to 3 when they don't wear armor. The color of the chosen dragon determines the type of dragon and the element they are suited to.
    Storm Wizard: related to harnessing lightning and elemental magic, but more info will be available at launch.

    The Dragonblood subclass provides a host of elemental feats and resistances, the wizard will learn additional spells at level 1, and then at level 6 learn resistance to the element and enhance the damage done by that element:

    red (fire)
    black (acid)
    blue (lightning)
    white (cold)
    green (poison)
    Golden fire)
    silver (cold)
    Bronze (Lightning)
    copper (acid)
    brass (fire)

    Wizards with diverse backgrounds and unique role-playing opportunities
    While there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to choose to play a wizard over other spellcasting classes like a wizard, there are plenty of story and role-playing reasons to do so; in terms of attack power, wizards are one of the most powerful classes in Baldur's Gate 3, and their power comes from innate abilities rather than having to be learned to tell a story. The Wild Magic subcategory also does a good job of adding to the mage's background, with powerful but uncontrolled magic that deals damage to both enemies and allies, creating the potential for a character who is very powerful but finds it difficult to control his magical talents.

    Another advantage wizards have is their charm proficiency, which makes them more savvy than ordinary wizards. They get four cantrips at 4th level and need to prepare spells before casting them. Sorcerer's biggest in-game advantage is Metamagic. By spending wizardry points to enhance their spells, wizards can turn failure into success.

    Metamagic: Beware of Spells – Allies automatically succeed against spells that require a saving throw. Costs 1 magic point.
    Metamagic: Ranged Spells – Spell Range +50%. Melee spell range increased by 9m. Costs 1 magic point.
    Metamagic: Expanding Spells – Doubles the duration of effects, summons and surfaces caused by spells. Costs 1 magic point.
    Metamagic: Twin Spells – Spells that could only be cast on a single target can now target another creature. Costs 1 magic point.

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  • The latest Genshin Impact leak has revealed three upcoming characters that will be added to the role-playing game in the future, each of which was previously rumored. With just a few weeks left until the launch of the HoYoverse RPG's newest playable area, fans have already seen plenty of trailers for the new additions. A recent trailer for Fontaine showed off several rumored characters, including Lyney, Lynette and Arlecchino, among others. Now, word is that a group of highly anticipated Liyue characters are on the way. Players can prepare enough Genshin Impact Genesis Crystals in the game.

    While Genshin Impact's recent leaks revealed more details about the Fontaine region, other regions of the game have also been heavily rumored to be receiving new characters. Leaker says Valka, Grand Master of the Knights of Mond Favornes, may finally make his debut after being referenced a lot in the first region's story. Each of Genshin Impact's past regions is rumored to add a new character to the game, including a mummy girl from Sumeru. Now, there's new news that three new Order characters are coming to Liyue.

    The latest update shared by well-known "Yuan Shen" leaker Tao via Uncle A reveals that Waiter Yun, Mrs. Ping, and Gui Zhong will all be playable in the game. While three Adepti were previously rumored to be playable, the new update reportedly hardly confirms their imminent debut in the roster. Mrs. Yun's peace plays an important role in the story of the Liyue region, while Guizhong is heavily referenced in the game's story and events. No release window has been given for any of the three roles.

    Especially the addition of the latest character "Yunshi" in "Liyue", it is often rumored that it will be available to players in the game. Yun Shi saw the trailer of her human form in the "Exquisite Night Bell" event in the 3.4 version of Yuanshen, and played an important role in the annual Lantern Festival event. It is rumored that Ms. Ping will appear in a younger form, and fans are already familiar with the old Adeptus, who rewards players with Serenitea Pots. Guizhong's debut will be her first appearance in the game outside of animated cutscenes.

    Rumors of upcoming Genshin Impact cast additions suggest that the game's roster will grow significantly in upcoming patches. With the arrival of the Fontaine region, version 4.0 has revealed three new playable characters, including Lyney, Lynette and Freminet. The leaked information also hints at a character timeline for the next few patches, with highly anticipated characters like Frenner and Risley expected to appear early on in Fontaine. The new Adepti looks set to join the huge pool of characters already planned for Genshin Impact's newest area. For more game guides, please visit

  • There are five large open world areas for players to explore in Diablo 4. At the beginning of the game, players will find themselves in the Broken Mountain. Every area of Diablo 4 offers plenty of things for players to explore and achieve 100% map completion, and thanks to the game's level scaling system, players can get meaningful content from level 1 to level 100. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Every region in Diablo 4 has a hub city, and in Broken Peak, that city is Kivashad. Players will soon arrive at Kivashad and enter the campaign, but there's still a lot to do outside of the main story. From Lilith Altars to Strongholds, to unique bosses and everything in between, completing the Broken Peak map isn't as easy as you might think in the novice area.

    Updated by Erik Petrovich on July 20, 2023: To fully complete the Diablo 4 Broken Peak map, players must find and collect or complete every waypoint, stronghold, point of interest, dungeon, and Altar of Lilith. Players must also complete every side quest in every area of Diablo 4 to be 100% complete - in Broken Peak, there are 35 side quests in total, each of which takes the player into a unique story (or just a jaunt into the wilderness). Side quests sometimes lead to great rewards, including consumables, salvage items, herb caches for rare crafting materials, and sometimes even unique items, so it's worth coming back to pick up these items even if you've completed your Shattered Peak reputation.

    All Lilith Altars in Broken Peak
    The Lilith Altar in Diablo 4 provides a permanent power boost to all characters within account range. Usually these bonuses come in the form of a small +2 boost to basic stats like Willpower or Strength, but sometimes they can also grant other bonuses like Paragon Points and Obol capacity. Giving all of these to one character is a good idea, since the boosts will apply to other characters. Altars can still be rediscovered by new characters, but they will only award reputation.

    In Broken Peak, Diablo 4 has a total of 160 altars, of which there are 28 Lilith altars. Two of these can be found before entering Kyovoshad. The most efficient way to collect all the Altars of Liss on the Broken Peaks map is to circle the Broken Peaks clockwise from Kovoshad, after collecting the two peaks in the prologue.

    Broken Peak map dungeon location
    Diablo 4's dungeons are spread throughout Sanctuary, and they always offer one major bonus the first time they're completed: the Codex aspect. Aspects are earned by defeating the final boss of the dungeon, after which they can be used to infuse legendary abilities onto items. Check your Codex collection to keep track of aspects - this puts a marker on the map and a guide directly to its entrance, making it easier to collect aspects important to your class.

    In the Broken Peak map, there are 23 dungeons, three of which can only be entered after the player defeats the stronghold in the area.

    All strongholds on the Broken Peak map
    Strongholds are a one-time event in Diablo 4 that players can participate in for a number of rewards, including 100 reputation with the associated area. These areas are full of monsters or enemies, and it is the player's responsibility to restore peace to the area and bring back its citizens.

    Once the fort is complete, the player can usually enter a new town or village with some merchants and side quests. Some waypoints as well as some selected dungeons will also be locked after the stronghold is completed. On the Diablo 4: Broken Peak map, there are three strongholds: Malnok west of Kyovoshad, Kor Dragan in the north, and Nostrava southeast of the main city. For more game guides, please visit

  • The first season of Diablo 4 was all about malignity--specifically, the many Malignant Hearts players can equip to make their characters more powerful. These are ripped straight from the powerful new Demons that can be found throughout Sanctuary in the Seasonal Realm, and when used correctly, they can greatly expand the core identity of a class. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Vicious hearts are like socketable gems. Once inserted into a player's accessory, these hearts grant powers comparable to legendary aspects. Mixing and matching these powers will be at the heart of Diablo 4's first season, and players will need to understand exactly what each heart does before embarking on a new build. Below are all 32 Vicious Hearts available in Season 1.

    Diablo 4: Hearts of All Evil
    Malicious hearts are divided into four categories: Evil (Offensive), Cruel (Defensive), Cunning (Practical), and Wrathful (Super). Each heart has a different effect based on its class, and this is further divided by character class. However, most Vicious Hearts fall into the general category, which means players will have more freedom in building them.

    Here are all 32 Vicious Hearts in Diablo 4 Season 1 as revealed by Blizzard.

    Picana (Malicious)
    Critical Strikes charge the enemy for 0.75-2.50 seconds, causing lightning between the enemy and any other charged enemies, dealing 68-136 Lightning damage.
    Dance of Darkness (Evil - WT3) Seduction of Fate (Evil - WT3) Lionheart (Cruel)
    Every 5 seconds, when above 60% health, core skills will drain 68-51 health instead of your primary resource. Life-consuming skills deal 10-20% increased damage.
    Tempted Fate (Vicious - WT3)
    You gain 40-60% critical strike damage, but 20-15% less non-critical strike damage. You gain 10% Barrier Generation. When you have an active barrier, you heal 3-7 health per second.
    Vengeance (Cruel - WT3)
    Instead, 10-20% of incoming damage is suppressed. When you use Defense, Trick or Terror abilities, all suppressed damage is amplified by 250% and explodes, dealing up to 1360-2040 Fire damage to nearby enemies.
    Prudent Heart (Cruel - WT3)
    After losing more than 20% of your life in an attack, you become immune for 2.0-4.0 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 110 seconds.
    determination (cunning)
    Resource consumption effects reduced by 40-50%. Additionally, resource generation is increased by 3.0-8.0%.
    Retaliation (Cunning - WT3)
    Deals 510-680 Fire damage to nearby enemies when crowd control is removed from you.
    Calculated (Cunning - WT3)
    After consuming 150-200 prime resources, your next attack will stun enemies hit for 2 seconds.
    Vicious Pact (Wrath)
    Vicious rewards for every 20 kills
    Unholy: Gain 20% Attack Speed.
    Devious: Core and Basic skills have a 15% chance to fully restore your primary resource.
    Brutal: Every 21 seconds, gain a barrier that absorbs 85-102 damage.
    Creepy Death (Rage - WT3)
    Your damage over time effect is increased by 30-40% for each different crowd control effect on the target. Conversely, unstoppable monsters and stagger bosses take 110-130% increased damage from damage over time effects.
    Barber (Rage - WT3)
    The critical hit and all subsequent damage for 2.0-4.0 seconds are absorbed by the target. The absorbed damage then bursts to surrounding enemies. Stored damage increases by 10% every second.

    focused anger (evil)
    After spending 100-60 Rage over 2 seconds, your next non-basic ability has a 20-30% increased critical strike chance.
    Resurrection Life (Cruel)
    When below 40-60% health, you are healed for 50-60% from all sources.
    Punishment Speed (Detour)
    When the attack speed of the ability is higher than 35-20%, your ability has a 20-30% chance to knock down all enemies for 1.25 seconds.
    Ignore Pain (Rage - WT4)
    Incoming damage has a 5-15% chance to be ignored and heals you for 17-68.
    Cluster Munitions (Vicious)
    Lucky Hits: You have up to 20% chance to fire 3 stun grenades, dealing 26-32 Physical damage to enemies and stunning them for 0.50 seconds.
    trick (cruel)
    Leave behind an unstable shadow-bait trap to taunt enemies when you use the Trick skill. Shadowbait traps explode after 6.0 seconds, dealing 680-1020 Shadow damage. Cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds.
    cut shot (cunning)
    Lucky Strike: Your Brutal skills have up to 20-40% chance to slow enemies by 40% for 3 seconds, and your Sharpshooter skills have up to 20-40% chance to knock enemies back.
    Evil Apothecary (angry)
    Your attacks have a 5-15% chance to apply all Infusion Effects at 40-50% of normal potency.

    Defiler (Malicious)
    Equipped corpse skills are automatically activated every second when approaching a corpse, dealing 40-30% less damage.
    Dilapidated Aura (Cruel)
    When at least 5 enemies are near you, gain an aura that automatically curses nearby enemies with Enfeeble for 5-15 seconds.
    Freezing Terror (Sly)
    Lucky Strike: 10-20% chance to inflict fear for 2.5 seconds. Feared enemies are cooled by 20% every second.
    Feast (angry)
    Each minion drains 1.0-2.0 Essence per second, but deals 50-75% increased damage. With no minions, this bonus applies to you and costs 5 Essence per second.
    Moonrage (Evil)
    Kills have a 5% chance to summon a wolf companion to your side for 20-30 seconds. Also, Wolves get +3.
    restless wind (cruel)
    When there are 8-13 close enemies, the Whirlwind Armor will be cast automatically. This can only happen once every 10-20 seconds.
    Ruthless Might (Cunning)
    When you activate your ultimate, up to 30-50 distant enemies will be pulled towards you.
    Unleashed Beast (Wrath)
    When you are hit by a Stun, Freeze or Knockdown effect, there is a 40-60% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 3 seconds.

    Tarasa (Evil)
    For each unique element you deal damage with, you deal 7-12% more damage for 3-10 seconds.
    law-breaking (cruel)
    After taking elemental damage, the elemental gains 20-40% resistance for 5 seconds.
    despite (cunning)
    When you are affected by a crowd control effect, there is a 20-40% chance to cause the same enemy and enemies around you to also be affected by the same effect for 3 seconds.
    Almighty (angry)
    The core skill that fires projectiles consumes all your mana. For every 45-35 Mana you spend, you fire an additional projectile that deals 3.0-5.0% increased damage.

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  • Diablo 4 fans who play as wizards in the action RPG have shared some noteworthy issues they've encountered with Oculus, the new unique wand introduced in the game's 1.1.0 patch update. These issues have made other Diablo 4 mage players wary of equipping the weapon, especially since they don't know if it will cause problems in the heat of battle. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Just before Diablo 4's season of villains officially began, Blizzard released patch 1.1.0, which changed a lot of things in the game. Players are already noticing nerfs to Diablo 4's character classes, buffs to specific enemies like the Chest of Silence and the Butcher, and new unique weapons added to each playable class. While there's an expectation that fans will love these new features and items, the general online consensus among the community that supports the wizarding profession seems to be that they're getting a kick out of the new unique wands.

    On Reddit, user Select_Ice_5435 uploaded a short video showing just how bad Diablo 4's The Oculus is in the game. In the video, their wizard is battling an army of phantoms, and the effect of the magic eye and wand can be seen as the character teleports across the battlefield. However, the problem comes at the end of the shot, where the wizard teleports to the left and seems to disappear without a trace. The video shows players trying to click multiple points to see if they can move the character back, but without success.

    Most of the comments on the Reddit thread were jokes about how Blizzard nerfed wizards in Diablo 4, since the class was overpowered in previous games. Others wondered if the player's character still takes damage when they've left the map. A helpful commenter gave a solution for how other players can get out of trouble, which is to simply teleport back to town. However, they warn that if they use the same portal to return to their previous location, they will be trapped in the same location again.

    Players have been skeptical about the new Diablo 4 unique wand ever since it was revealed to Oculus in the latest patch. The teleport feature is fairly random and has the potential to enter dangerous spaces that the player cannot leave. Hopefully Blizzard will do something to fix this, or at least mitigate the teleport bug, otherwise players may decide not to use unique weapons at all. For more game guides, please refer to

  • Blizzard has released the third and final episode of the Overwatch 2 anime series Genesis, with the third installment titled "Rebirth." Fans have been asking for an Overwatch anime series for years, and Blizzard has finally released a three-part mini-series covering some of the most important events in the universe's backstory. Players can prepare enough Overwatch 2 Coins in the game.

    The Overwatch 2 animated series first showed the birth of Aurora, the first sentient omnic. The second episode of the Overwatch 2 animated series then showed the beginning of the Omnic Crisis, revealing how Anubis, the artificial intelligence god program, began building war machines and pitting them against humanity. The titular Overwatch organization was formed in response to the Omnic Crisis, but they're going to need more help if they hope to win the war.

    Episode 3: Rebirth shows that even with Overwatch, humanity is still struggling to survive during the Omnic Crisis. Eventually, the scientists realized that there was one omnic out of Anubis' control, and that was Aurora. Overwatch 2 fans will need to watch the latest episode of the animated series to find out what happens next, but it explains how the Omnic Crisis ended. Of course, as fans of Overwatch 2 know, this is only the first Omnic Crisis.

    The Overwatch 2 animated series reiterates many of the backstories and lore fans may already know, but in a more accessible form. It sets the stage for the upcoming Overwatch 2 Invasions update, which will be released on August 10th. The update will showcase what's happening in the current Overwatch 2 timeline, with the game's various heroes battling the new Omnic Crisis.

    The current Overwatch 2 story will unfold in PvE co-op missions. The first three of these will be released as part of the August 10 update. Unfortunately, Overwatch 2 PvE story missions are blocked by a $15 paywall. Some fans may also be disappointed to learn that these three missions will be the only ones added to the hero shooter this year.

    With the animated series explaining Overwatch's backstory and detailing the original Omnic Crisis, one can't help but wonder if the events shown here will play out in the present-day Overwatch 2 storyline. Maybe Anubis will be a factor, or maybe some other detail from the anime series will be referenced. Fans will have to experience the PvE story missions for themselves when the Overwatch 2: Invasion update releases on August 10. For more game guides, please refer to

  • Four weeks after the release of Final Fantasy 16, Square Enix said it was pleased with the sales figures for the latest entry in the long-running franchise. Even though Final Fantasy 16's sales in Japan have plummeted, Square Enix clarified how successful Final Fantasy 16 was compared to its predecessor. Players can prepare enough Final Fantasy XVI Gil in the game.

    Despite positive reviews, Final Fantasy 16 isn't without its flaws. While Final Fantasy XVI's PS5 exclusivity remains a sticking point for some critics, the progress of some side quests is a major bone of contention on social media, with some players curious about some plot-related questions that have yet to be answered. Despite these issues, Square Enix recently addressed the game's motion blur issues with Final Fantasy 16's 1.03 update. Even though Final Fantasy 16 didn't sell as high as other titles like The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, that didn't stop Square Enix from putting those numbers in perspective.

    In response to recent reports, Square Enix said it measures the success of Final Fantasy 16 relative to PS5 global installs. According to the company, as of March 31, 2023, PS5 sales exceeded 38 million units. With PS5 sales dampened by the COVID-19 pandemic, Final Fantasy 16 doesn't have the same potential install base as other titles like Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Square Enix added that Final Fantasy 16 came out while the PS5 was still in its early life cycle, and stated that Final Fantasy 7 Remake was released late in the PS4 cycle. Despite a relatively small audience and an adult rating, Final Fantasy XVI sold 3 million units a week. That means roughly 12% of PS5 owners have a copy of Final Fantasy 16 on their system.

    While sales of Final Fantasy XVI were impressive, its predecessor, Final Fantasy XV, sold more than 5 million copies in 24 hours. As such, Final Fantasy XV remains the fastest-selling entry in the Final Fantasy series to date. However, Final Fantasy XV has the advantage of being available on both PS4 and Xbox One when it was released in 2016.

    Due to the game's success and positive feedback, producer Naoki Yoshida stated that the development team has considered the possibility of adding DLC to Final Fantasy XVI in the future. Whether Yoshida and Square Enix will stick around remains to be seen. For more game guides, please refer to

  • When Baldur's Gate 3 launches, players will have a variety of classes and races to choose from. While players have a lot of options in the early access version of the game, and even more options have been confirmed in the full version of Balder's Gate 3, of all the options, the barbarian is probably the most tanky. Players can prepare enough Baldur's Gate 3 Account in the game.

    Barbarians have been around since Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access and have a reputation for being great melee damage dealers who can take multiple hits. Like many other classes in the game, the full version will give players more options in how they build their barbarians, but no matter which direction they choose, it's a worthwhile class to have when someone needs to absorb all the damage.

    Barbarians take damage while dealing damage
    The most important thing about Barbarians is that they are arguably one of the more accessible classes in Baldur's Gate 3 due to their emphasis on dealing a lot of damage while having great defense. Their main purpose on any team will likely come down to utilizing these traits, no matter how players customize them.

    That being said, they still have a lot of room for expression, and like any other class in Baldur's Gate 3, Barbarians can choose from multiple sub-classes based on sub-classes in D&D. All 3 subclasses of barbarians have some rage variants that augment player damage with physical melee attacks and thrown objects, but each subclass offers variants to add a little spice to individual playstyles.

    Based on Path of the Berserker, Berserker is for players looking for a classic barbarian playstyle that emphasizes brutality and reckless physical prowess to take down enemies.
    Hearts of the Wild, based on Path of the Totem, still focuses on physical prowess, but is themed around selected animals, whether it's a wolf calling allies or an eagle swooping down on its prey.
    Wild Magic is based on Path of Wild Magic and adds a wild surge when the player activates Berserk as the primary effect, resulting in a d8 roll to determine the magic effect.
    All barbarian subclasses play with their berserk abilities, as many of the latent abilities gained are offensive, while some are useful for support. Wild magic is a bit of an anomaly in that the effect granted is based on a separate roll, but still depends on whether rage is active or not. That doesn't change the fact that all types of barbarians can help bring out the best in Baldur's Gate 3's most powerful melee weapons​​​​​​.

    Outside of combat, barbarians are still useful to teams, as they can break through many locked doors, and are invaluable for passing skill checks that rely on physical abilities. Despite their prowess in combat, barbarians are also adept at using their power to end confrontations quickly before serious combat breaks out, or use it to intimidate an enemy into giving way. Although the concept of this class is simple, its role-playing ability is still very strong.

    This extends to the way Barbarians are built in Baldur's Gate 3, as no matter what subclass is chosen, emphasizing having high Strength and Constitution is ideal given that they are often at the center of battle and these stats count towards their saving throws. Having a decent amount of agility can also help the barbarian out of trouble, as this affects both his armor rating and the damage of ranged weapons, meaning you have the option to fall back on if close-range physical attacks aren't an option.

    Barbarians are a great introductory course for players new to Baldur's Gate 3's systems, as they're relatively straightforward to understand and incredibly satisfying to play. Few things compare to easily breaking down a massive door or taking a massive hit from a boss' health, and the Barbarian is the perfect class to do both. For more game guides, please refer to

  • Update 18 July 2023: It's another week in Destiny 2, which means quests, challenges, and rewards have all been reset. Following the conclusion of the last Iron Banner event of Season of the Abyss, Destiny 2 is fully committed to its next major event called Solstice of Heroes. Veteran players will be very familiar with this summer event, as players will travel to the European air zone to battle wave after wave of enemies, collect orbs and throw them into giant bonfires, then challenge the final boss for rewards and silver leaves to upgrade armor sets. Of course, there are event challenges and solstice event cards to complete, and the solstice armor will also glow to unlock. Players can prepare enough Destiny 2 Silver in the game.

    Beyond that, players have discovered a friendly glitch that makes Ghosts of the Abyss a little easier than Bungie intended. While Bungie is expected to rectify this, currently, players can trigger a glitch simply by erasing the traversal portion after a ritual encounter, ultimately shortening the resurrection timer considerably.

    Meanwhile, the latest Destiny 2 Remastered has finally arrived with all the updated weekly challenges, content, and hunt rewards. To get a complete look at everything new for the week of July 18, including Nightfall, Forge Mode, and challenges, here's everything players need to know.

    Weekly Twilight and Corrections
    Night Raid: Dishonored
    Hero modifiers:

    Champions: Unstoppable and Obstacles
    Hero Modifier: Extra Shield. Arc, Void and Sun Shield.
    Galvanized: Combatants have higher health and are harder to stun.
    Martyr: Exploding units have higher health.
    Overcharge: Swords and kinetic weapons are used when the player's subclass is matched with an active surge element.
    Threat: Arc
    Surges: arcs and twisted wires.
    Legend modifier:

    All previous modifiers.
    Equipment Lock: Equipment cannot be changed after the mission starts.
    Primary Modifier:

    All previous modifiers.
    Wear: Regeneration is severely impaired. Wells of Light may be created by defeating enemies.
    Master Modifiers: Lockouts, Extra Champs, and Extra Shields.
    Grandmaster Modifier:

    All previous modifiers.
    Fire Pit: When defeated, followers create pools of fire that deal damage over time.
    Chaff: Radar disabled.
    Fire suppression: If the fire team falls into the restricted area, all return to orbit.
    Limited Resurrection: Limited fireteam resurrection. Get extra revives by defeating champions.

    Pinnacle Rewards: Get 200K points to get pinnacle rewards.
    Twilight Weapon: Swarm (Legendary Machine Gun)
    Vanguard Elemental Modifier: Surge of the Void

    In-depth activity season
    Season of the Deep is live now, bringing with it a ton of new content, including the Titan's return destination. Of course, Season 21 also has 10 weeks of challenges to complete and new events to take part in. Bungie revealed a weekly quest called "Deep Dive," which will take players into an ocean of methane to learn about the Witness's origins. In addition, there is a matching seasonal event called "Salvage," where players will recover Golden Age technology from sunken ecological structures. And if that wasn't enough, players can also go fishing for the first time in franchise history.

    Season 21 also added a brand new dungeon to the rotation called Ghosts of the Abyss, which brought back voice lines for Hive Lightbringer enemies as well as Xivu Arath, the Hive God of War. Finally, if the player completes the full list of victories and earns the Seal, the title of Season of the Deep will be Aquanaut.

    Neomuna cityscape in Destiny 2
    Weekly missions offer a rotation in the campaign, rewarding teams with Pinnacles for completing 100,000 points or more. The Vex Invasion Zone rotates weekly. Players can obtain terminal overload keys and exotic equipment.

    Invasion Zone: Ahimsa Park
    Activity Mission: First Contact
    Division missions reset every week as players sneak into the VexNet to hunt down the main objective.

    Raid and Dungeon Rotation
    Originally introduced in Season 17, Bungie has moved older raids and dungeons to a weekly rotation, allowing them to be farmed with newer rewards.

    Featured Raid: Deep Stone Crypt
    Featured Dungeon: Abyss of Heresy

    Destiny 2 Guardians pose in unique armor
    raid challenge
    Deepstone Crypt: Jack of All Trades, Core Four, Red Wanderer, Instance of Instance

    Saving the Garden: A Link in the Chain

    Disciple Oath: Basic Information

    The Glass Dome: Chorus for the Orchestra

    The Fall of Kings: Under Construction

    Roots of Nightmare: Torment of Light Challenge

    Last wish: stay away

    Destiny 2 players are complaining about the weapon drop rate in The Witch Queen's new event, "The Fountainhead."
    Weekly Story Mission: Ghost. Fire pit modifiers as well as overloaded and unstoppable champions.

    Altar of Reflection: Players can access weekly events via specially marked icons in the Throne world. These missions usually involve solving simple puzzles and battling enemy combatants.

    Destiny 2: FTL Phylasks Boss Europa: Exo Challenges, The Bleak Zone, and The Empire Hunt
    Exo Challenge: Simulation: Agility
    Dark Zone: Abyss of Stars
    Empire Hunt: Warrior Ferax
    Deep Water Season Weekly Challenges
    Season 21 brings new challenges for players to complete within 10 weeks. As players have discovered in past seasons, objectives range from completing season story content, getting a certain number of kills, completing various activities, and more. Rewards for these objectives include sigils, bright dust, seasonal gear, and sometimes items or resources.

    Week 9 Challenges:

    Quick Salvager - Defeat 30 combatants quickly during the Salvage event.
    Perfect Patience - Catch 5 legendary or exotic fish in any pond.
    Ritual Ornament - Get any ornament for a seasonal ritual weapon.
    Eyeing Iron - Complete 15 Crucible matches. Bonus progression for Iron Banner and Victory.
    Ethereal Force - Defeat 200 targets with Arc, Strand, or Void subtypes equipped in Gambit. Ability final blow and bonus progression for defeating guardians.
    Fast and Accurate - Gain 150 Fast Final Blows. After the second objective, bonus progress is awarded for each defeated objective.

    Trials of Osiris map and weekly proficiency weapons
    As Bungie previously revealed, Trials of Osiris has been revamped to not only make it more accessible, but also more rewarding. Gone are the win requirements associated with specific rewards, as Saint-14 now has a reputation system that rewards players who rank up by playing the game and completing bounties.

    There will be no Trials of Osiris for the weekend of July 14th. The Iron Banner has been activated.

    Maps: N/A

    Weapons: N/A

    More game guides can be found at

  • Elden Ring has plenty of mysteries to keep players engaged from start to finish. Once the newly christened Defilers set foot among the heavens and earth, they'll meet with plenty of opposition, but there will be some mysteries to unravel as well. The Night of the Black Knife, the various forces that rule the lands, the nature of the Elder Tree and Elden's Circle itself, and more await in FromSoftware's open world role-playing game. There's enough to do and think about in Elden Ring that many fans still fall for the details even after playing through it for the first time. Players can prepare enough Cheap Elden Ring Runes in the game.

    Even the player's regular companions are not immune to suspicion, and the cast has changed a lot over the course of Elden Ring's run. Some things, like the true nature of Defiler's companion Melina, remain a mystery throughout, though there are clues pointing in a few directions. However, one of the least explained characters in Elden Ring is actually playable alongside the protagonist, and that's Torrent, the ghostly warhorse. While a torrent may seem like a simple helper at first glance, the further players look, the deeper the mysteries of its existence become.

    Torrent Linked to Elden Ring's Most Mysterious Character
    Originally, Torrent was Melina's traveling companion, and the two appeared together in a cutscene after the player's first death. Later conversations reveal that Torrent discovered the player character and took an interest in him, even though Melina was skeptical. After the player sits in the place of grace that triggers Melina's appearance, they will receive the whistle of the ghost steed, which can summon the torrent outdoors at any time. That seems to be the extent of torrenting, and for most players, torrents will fade into the background and remain little more than a game mechanic.

    However, if the player travels back to the earlier Church of Ella, more hints will appear. Witch Lenny, temporarily using Reina as an alias, asks if the player has been entrusted with a ghostly steed. After confirming that it was correct, she handed over the spirit summoning bell and the accompanying ashes of the lone wolf. Lanney claims it was commissioned by Torrent's former owner, which is clearly not Melina, who would otherwise have provided the bell herself. Further interactions with Lanny reveal that she is very secretive and probably won't leave the safety of the tower unless she has something very important to do. It's at this point that players might start to wonder why their horse is known by so many important people, while Elden Ring keeps it so tight-lipped.

    Elden Ring's DLC may be the first time players really get to know about torrents
    It doesn't say a word about torrents about how much lore is stuffed into Elden Ring's world and menus. The Ghost Charger Whistle is only described as an "exquisite metalwork ring", and there is no item description that further refers to the charge itself. Online, players have speculated that there is something unique about torrents, but until FromSoftware released some teaser art for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion pack, there was no information to suggest this. It shows an unknown rider on top of a horned, shaggy horse, the only other steed the player has ever seen.

    Many logically assumed that the young-looking rider was actually the unfighting demigod Michela, but a few things fell into place. Since Miquela is associated with pure gold and possesses supernatural charisma, it stands to reason that he is associated with preparing to summon Torrent. What that means is anyone's guess, but it does point to some unanswered questions about Elden Ring and its characters, which are answered in Shadow of the Tree, and many fans will respond feel happy. For more game guides, please visit

  • Beyond the hordes of demons, flashy abilities, and shiny loot, Diablo 4 is, at its core, a numbers game. Everything the player does in this game is to make their numbers bigger, whether it's levels, money, highest-passed nightmare dungeons, etc. All of this ultimately depends on how much damage the player does. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Even before the game's official release, the Diablo 4 community has been hard at work figuring out how damage is actually calculated. After rigorous testing with many players around the world, everyone seems to agree that the damage is divided into "buckets", which effectively limits the size of the damage numbers while expanding build variety. Here's how it works.

    What are damage buckets and how do they work?
    Damage buckets are essentially a class of damage sources that all add up to one big multiplier. There are a ton of different stat modifiers in Diablo 4, and they're all grouped into these categories to keep damage numbers from reaching astronomical levels -- at least, in theory.

    A player named SnowRaven created a publicly available Google spreadsheet that contains all the damage modifiers in the game, sorted by the damage range they belong to. As this is still only a theory, this article will be updated when more information is proven or discovered.

    According to the test information, the damage is divided into five levels:

    Primary attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Willpower)
    [x]% damage (including skill damage)
    critical damage
    [+]% Damage (includes "Combat Damage", "Simultaneous Damage" and "Simultaneous Damage" affixes)

    Players deal damage proportional to the weapon they use. Then multiply that five times based on the damage range above. Modifiers belonging to the same category add up to form a larger multiplier. Technically, attack speed counts as its own separate damage radius, though it affects how often damage is dealt rather than the strength of the damage.

    For example, an attack that does 100 damage will do 165 damage, assuming all damage buckets provide a 10% bonus. This is not representative of how damage is actually calculated in game, it is only used to visualize how the damage buckets interact.

    A good rule of thumb when preparing is to focus on stacking unconditional damage modifiers (primary stats, fragility, and critical strike damage) or having easy-to-achieve conditions (core skill damage, damage to crowd-controlled, etc.).

    It is highly recommended to have advanced tooltips turned on, as it will let the player know if an item's modifiers provide additive or multiplicative damage. This should make sorting loot easier until players become more familiar with which stats belong in which bucket.

    Also, it's worth noting that certain aspects and skills seem to count towards their own damage area. The Necromancer's Jagged Face appears to act as a separate damage multiplier rather than being added on top of the existing crit damage stat. It's unclear if this was an intended interaction, but it's something to keep in mind. For more game guides, please visit

  • A major enhancement to Watch Dogs 2's Light of Order not mentioned in the patch notes could make the damage hero a major asset in matches. Despite Symmetra getting significant enhancements, which are actually mentioned in the notes, this unmentioned Symmetra update could be a game changer for the Watch Dogs 2 character. Players can prepare enough Overwatch 2 Coins in-game.

    Some Overwatch 2 players will choose specific roles based on the abilities and strengths that best suit each player's unique play style. Experimenting with the abilities of support, tank, and damage heroes allows players to find the best fit for their game style in order to make the most of the match. However, sometimes fan-favorite heroes may undergo some rework, which may cause the Overwatch 2 community to voice their concerns. On the other hand, characters sometimes receive gains to their abilities and combat that make them more powerful than they were.

    For fans of Order's Light, one major gain not even mentioned in the patch notes seems to make the damage hero an absolute beast. The patch notes mention nerfing her turrets slightly and making her secondary shot able to double-tap while fully charged, but the biggest change to Light of Order is that she can now visibly restore shield energy when damaging an opponent's shield. Early in the game, Light of Order is very powerful, and this secret gain may make the character a new go-to for some players.

    When her Primary Flame damages a shield or barrier, Light of Order can restore 30 points of shield life per second. This gain makes Light of Order a major threat to opposing players. Being able to gain shield energy from major fire hits on enemy shields might make Light of Order feel unrivaled. It's odd that the patch notes don't mention this gain, especially when it's such a major upgrade. Several characters in Overwatch 2 have changed recently, but this surprising gain could indeed be a game changer for Order's Light fans.

    While the lack of mention in the patch notes or developer comments of Order's biggest gain remains a mystery, the character currently poses a major threat to opponents in this state. Players can utilize this gain to score some incredible victories in Overwatch 2, and it will be exciting to see how they utilize the Light of Order's gain to their advantage. See for more details on the game guide.

  • Starting in 2025, new Call of Duty games could be coming to the Xbox Game Pass subscription service on day one. Microsoft's acquisitions in recent years have been about securing console exclusivity for Xbox, but more importantly, securing day one games for its Xbox Game Pass subscription service. Gamers can have enough Call of Duty Points ready to play.

    Call of Duty has been the best-selling game almost every year for nearly two decades, so rightfully locking it down as the first game could mean a lot for Xbox Game Pass. Such a franchise could create all sorts of new Xbox Game Pass users, which is undoubtedly a big reason why Microsoft wanted to buy Activision Blizzard King in the first place (as well as mobile content as part of King).

    Now that the judge has ruled in favor of Microsoft's acquisition of Activision, fans may be wondering when the new Call of Duty game will hit Xbox Game Pass on day one. however, anyone hoping for that to happen with a Call of Duty game in 2023 will be disappointed. Due to an existing agreement between Activision and Sony, the first Call of Duty game to be released on Xbox Game Pass will most likely be a 2025 launch. As of the time of writing, there is no information on the project, but based on established patterns, a 2025 Call of Duty game will almost certainly be developed by Modern Warfare studio Infinity Ward.

    This means that even if Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard goes through as expected, fans shouldn't expect to be able to play a 2023 Call of Duty game or a Treyarch-developed 2024 Call of Duty game through the Xbox Game Pass service on day one. On the bright side, Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard will bring all older Call of Duty games to Xbox Game Pass, which is especially exciting considering that many of them are backwards compatible.

    In fact, almost all of the major series of Call of Duty games are available on the Xbox One and Series X consoles through the backwards compatibility program. The only exception is the original Call of Duty. Since classic Call of Duty games like Black Ops 2 still sell for $50, purchasing them on Game Pass should be a big deal.

    So while Xbox Game Pass subscribers may have to wait until 2025 to get a brand new Call of Duty game as a day one Game Pass game, they'll likely be able to enjoy older CoD games shortly after the deal is finalized. See for more details on the game guide.

  • Blizzard has confirmed that hardcore Diablo 4 players may need to rediscover the map and recapture all of the Altar of Lilith if their characters die before Season 1 begins on July 20th. Diablo 4 Season 1 will begin on July 20, and it's a major concern for fans What we've experienced is that everything continues when the first season of the popular action role-playing game begins. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Initially, there didn't seem to be much content in the first season of Diablo 4. The community was concerned, and many fans didn't want to rediscover the world map or hunt down all of Lilith's altars again. Blizzard listened to this feedback and made this arrangement so that Diablo 4 players don't have to repeat everything when Season 1 launches on July 20th. After downloading the update, which is scheduled to be released on July 18, all Diablo 4 players will have to do is log in to make the most progress on any character to ensure they get the honor of being a Season 1 character.

    Unfortunately, this could be tricky for Diablo 4 hardcore players. Diablo 4's Hardcore mode features permanent death, so if a hardcore character has unlocked all of Lilith's Altars and the entire map, they'll want to make sure that they survive until after the July 18th update. If their hardcore character dies between now and then, they will be out of luck and will effectively be starting Season 1 from scratch.

    While some may argue that Diablo 4 players knew the risks when they created their hardcore characters, it's safe to say that many will assume that reputation points for maps and Lilith's altar will be tied to their accounts. For some, the safest course of action may be to stop playing Diablo 4 Hardcore Characters before the July 18 update is released so they can get the honor they deserve for the quests they've already completed in the game.

    There is a lot of confusion surrounding the first season of Diablo 4. The game attracted many new players who were unfamiliar with how its seasonal content worked. Like past Diablo games, Diablo 4 lets players create a new character for each season. While this was expected by hardcore Diablo fans, new players were disappointed by the news.

    The good news is that players won't have to stress about making sure their prestige progress continues once Season 1 of Diablo 4 begins. To say the least, future Diablo 4 seasons should go much more smoothly. More game guides are detailed at

  • For its first foray into the wizarding world, Avalanche Software has done a fantastic job with Hogwarts Legacy. A stunning recreation of one of pop culture's most iconic locations, tons of side quests and campaigns to complete, some surprisingly complex role-playing game mechanics, and a solid fantasy story are all present in Hogwarts Legacy. While these features are enough to keep fans happy for a while, it's Hogwarts Legacy's combat system that really keeps players coming back time and time again. Players can prepare enough Hogwarts Legacy Boosting Service in the game.

    Spell casting is not an easy mechanic to implement in a video game, especially when those spells are fired from a wand. Previous Harry Potter games have handled spell casting in a variety of ways, from simple one-button spell casting in Lego Harry Potter, to shotgun spell casting in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, to slow and methodical spell casting in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Order of the Phoenix, requiring players to draw a shape to fire a spell. Hogwarts Legacy employs a new approach to combat, providing players with basic spell casting assigned to triggers, block and stance buttons, and a set of four spells that can be swapped and used as special moves. Hogwarts Legacy Star Wars Outlaws has a very satisfying combat system that still has room for improvement, and Star Wars Outlaws has a worthwhile mechanic.

    Hogwarts Legacy should borrow Star Wars Outlaws' Quickdraw mechanic
    Ubisoft Massive's open-world Star Wars game was first released in January 2021 and was officially unveiled at the recent Xbox Showcase in June. Officially titled Star Wars Outlaws, the open-world game puts players in control of a new smuggler named Kay Wise as she attempts to plot and connive her way through the galaxy, organizing a galactic heist to end all galactic heists.

    Just a day after its initial release, Star Wars Outlaws received a gameplay trailer which showed off some very exciting features, the vast majority of which had never been seen in a Star Wars game before. The gameplay demo for Star Wars Outlaws shows off an intense speeder chase, some ship battles, ground to space transitions, a GTA-like wanted mechanic, and some classic third-person cover shooting. In cover, players can also summon their furry little space buddy Nyx to take down enemies by grabbing weapons from fallen enemies or activating environmental hazards.

    At the beginning of the Star Wars Outlaws gameplay trailer, Kai Vess is infiltrating an enemy camp. With the help of Nyx, Vess manages to evade some thugs before being spotted by a guard near the camp's exit. At this moment, the game goes into slow motion and a button prompt appears on the side of the screen, pointing in the direction of the enemy. If the player presses the cue, then the camera will center on the enemy. Kay will raise her arms as if surrendering, but as she pulls the trigger, she will reach for her blaster and blow the enemy away in slow motion. While this maneuver warns nearby enemies, it's a very stylish way to enter combat, and it's a mechanic that Hogwarts Heritage could definitely learn from.

    Hogwarts Legacy has a fairly rudimentary sneaking system that desperately needs to be balanced. In some cases, Hogwarts Legacy's sneaking ability can be incredible, allowing players to instantly destroy entire arenas without anyone noticing. In other cases, the player will be detected almost immediately. Mechanics like Star Wars Outlaws' quick draw can help balance things out by giving players some wiggle room when they're first spotted, and letting them take some free hits on enemies before the entire camp is alerted. See for more details on the game guide.

  • The Diablo 4 campaign featured some of the best Boss battles in the entire game, which ultimately left some fans wondering if Boss was not being used to its full potential. Diablo 4 takes place 50 years after the defeat of Mathur in Soulstealer, and it introduces players to a sanctuary still reeling from this deadly disaster. In the wake of its crumbling state, Lilith and Inaris return with an agenda of their own, and it's up to players to once again save Sanctuary from the machinations of the Burning Hells. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Although Diablo 4 has six chapters and five zones, it features several memorable boss battles throughout the journey. From Elias and Astaroth, to Lilith himself, players are tested in their first game in a way reminiscent of Diablo 2. In addition to the story campaign, Ashava and other world leaders await in Diablo 4, and players even have the opportunity to face off against Lilith as a Pinnacle Boss at level 100. However, the community felt that the alpha encounters lacked an aspect from Diablo 4's campaign.

    Unlike Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, the boss battles in the sequel are not repeatable. Once players complete the campaign, they will not have the opportunity to repeat boss battles on higher difficulties (such as World Rank 3). While Diablo 3 tied its bounty system to the leader of each chapter, Diablo 4 does not yet have such a feature. kurtiZ_TSW made the suggestion of having replayable campaign bosses on Diablo 4's subreddit, and based on support from other fans of the series, it seems to be one of the bigger demands the community wants.

    It's certainly not an unreasonable request, as farming method bosses have always been a staple of Diablo games. While running Barr endlessly can be painfully dull, the amulet dropped by the Lord of Destruction in Diablo 2's Hell difficulty is valuable enough to make the grind worth enduring. With Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides, Diablo 4 has the opportunity to diversify its wreckage with repeatable Act bosses that offer players another experience and loot farm options.

    Given that Diablo 4's first season is set to launch in mid-July, this feature will likely be available much later. While criticisms of its absence at launch are not entirely unfounded, it's best to give Blizzard a chance to examine the state of the wrecking ball in Diablo 4 during seasonal play and then decide how best to incorporate Act alpha. For a more detailed guide to the game, see

  • Diablo 4 has a lengthy campaign with dozens of side quests to help players upgrade their characters once the main story is complete. Some of these optional quests are only available after reaching specific points in the campaign, such as the Swamp Protection side quest. This Diablo 4 quest is easy to complete for XP, although it will have players trekking through a swamp full of enemies. This guide will show players how to unlock and complete the quest. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

    Get the Protection of the Swamp quest
    The Protection of the Swamp side quest is actually unavailable from the beginning. Players must play the game's campaign until they reach Act 4. There is a small quest line at the beginning of that act where the player is briefly introduced to Timue, and once they have completed a series of quests involving Timue, they can proceed to the side quests.

    The player can then visit Timue's Hovel to access the quest, which is located in the Blightmarsh area of Hawezar. Players can easily get there by using the Rakhat Keep Ruins: Inner Yard signpost and traveling southeast to the blue exclamation point marked on the map.

    The side quest involves the player delivering medicine to three people near the nearby swamp. Talking to Timue will activate the quest and the player must open the chest behind her to get supplies. There will be a blue circle on the map indicating each person to be delivered to, and each circle is not wide enough to easily get lost. The map above shows each of the three locations.

    The first person to deliver to is Baridan located on the west side of the house . The next person is Duraya, who will be west of Baridan. The last person is Laldin, who is northeast of Duraya's position, but does not appear until after the bandit wave in the area has been defeated.

    Talking to Laldin will send the player to a nearby bandit camp located in the Forgotten Coast region to the northeast. Players should now have their mounts equipped and be able to travel to the camp faster and easier, avoiding the random mobs of enemies. Eliminating all bandits in the camp is the final goal of the Swamp Protection side quest, and players can return to Timue for a large amount of XP, some resources, and gold as a reward. See for more details on the game guide.

  • The loyal fan base of Disney Dreamlight Valley is already very familiar with the mysteries surrounding the mysterious colored potatoes that can be found in the game. the latest addition to the Dreamlight Valle y peculiar potato saga is Purple Potato, and players have finally reached the pinnacle of their potato-related endeavors. Players can prepare enough Disney Dreamlight Valley Accounts in the game.

    To acquire this remarkable potato, players can embark on a quest to discover ten scattered purple books scattered throughout the valley. Each book has a key clue to solving the perplexing mystery surrounding the purple potato, and this guide provides the location of each book.

    For players who want to skip, a list of the answers needed to successfully complete this hidden mission is also provided. Below is all the information players need to know to find the Purple Potato and make the Royal Purple Potion in Disney's Valley of Dreams and Lights.

    Opening the Purple Potato Secret Quest
    To obtain the unique Purple Potato in Disney's Valley of Dreams and Lights, players must take a different approach than just accepting a regular quest. Instead, they will need to explore and locate hidden objects to retrieve the clues needed to obtain the Purple Potato.

    Players should travel to the Frozen biome and visit the cave whose doors are adorned with Atlantean-themed runic text. This cave is famous for being the place where players initially encountered the adorable snowman Olaf in the "Great Blizzard" quest eventually unlocking him as a valley dweller.

    After completing the quest series, players will receive the sphere needed to clear the Frozen Heights pillar after activating the Dark Gate located at the back of the cave. Interestingly, this portal now contains another curious item: the Purple Potato.

    Inside the cave, players have the opportunity to interact with the Dark Gate again. The Dark Gate will prompt the player to select ten correct words from four possible options. Once the player has successfully recited the correct answer, the Purple Potato will appear from the portal and can be collected.

    All the correct answers to the Dark Gate questions
    For players interested only in getting Purple Potatoes as quickly and easily as possible, here is a list of the correct terms to answer each of the Dark Gate queries. It is important to note that if players skip collecting the books and just provide answers, the books will disappear around the valley and the contents will no longer be available to read.

    Locations of all purple lab books in Disney's Valley of Dreams and Lights
    For players who enjoy exploring and uncovering interesting secrets, another way to get purple potatoes in the valley is to find the ten hidden purple books scattered throughout the area. These books contain the necessary answers that players must recite to the Dark Gate in order to obtain the Purple Potato.

    Players can search for these books on their own and enjoy the experience of finding each book and discovering its contents. The books can be read in any order, but their locations are listed in the order in which each clue appears in the Dark Gate's list of possible responses.

    The Purple Potato Mystery at Disney's Fantasy Valley.
    The answers provided in the table above can be used without looking up the books, as they are not required.

    How to make the Royal Purple Potion
    Make the Royal Purple Potion in Disney's Dreamlight Valley.
    Once players have acquired the Purple Potato, they will need to craft it into a magic potion, the Royal Purple Potion, just like all of the previously acquired colored potatoes. To do this, simply go to any crafting station and click on the "Potions and Enchantments" tab. Find the recipe for the Royal Purple Potion, which requires only purple potatoes and an empty bottle. Once the Royal Purple Potion is made, it will appear in the player's item bar as a quest item, waiting to be crafted into a special new potion that will solve the potato puzzle once and for all. See for more details on the game guide.

  • The latest opportunity to experience Final Fantasy 16 first-hand gave fans a glimpse of everything the game has to offer, from more action-based combat to a darker storyline. However, the Active Time Lore system is the hidden gem of the Final Fantasy 16 demo, and it improves the game's storyline sufficiently so that it should become a staple of the RPG genre altogether. Players can prepare enough Final Fantasy XIV Gil in the game.

    Given that the narrative story of the world and the characters that populate it are one of the key aspects of role-playing games, Final Fantasy 16 including a new way to engage with that content is an impressive step forward for the genre. It's a simple restructuring of something that has been present in story-centric games for a long time, but it's a new way for Square Enix to introduce and implement the concept that is changing the game for RPGs.

    Active Time Lore adds context to movies
    One of Square Enix's greatest strengths in developing iconic role-playing games is its ability to produce incredibly cinematic moments that showcase top-notch action and tell a compelling story. However, like its predecessors, a game with as many influential characters as Final Fantasy 16 can be difficult to keep the narrative lively and engaging while properly introducing players to these NPCs. this is where Active Time Lore succeeds, giving players the option to read quick excerpts about the game's major characters, locations, and politics by quickly pausing to add context to the scene they are watching.

    These character and faction descriptions are already a common way to introduce knowledge into narrative games like Final Fantasy 16, but adding them to animations can help add contextual information in real time. Suddenly introducing a character like Joshua without a business card and a few sentences of description can be clarified with the press of a button. This allows the story to move forward without introducing the characters, but rather gives these characters a chance to interact with each other.

    This concept may even stem from complaints about previous Final Fantasy games, particularly Final Fantasy 15, in which characters would appear and disappear without actually being introduced. If that's the case, then the Active Time Lore system is an impressive solution to a problem that countless RPGs have struggled with before. In fact, the system is revolutionary enough that it should become a staple of RPG gameplay, especially as the modern genre continues to intermingle action and narrative.

    Contextual glossary updates in real time
    The Active Time Lore system is clearly similar to any other glossary of in-game text entries and character profiles found in many narrative-focused games. However, these glossaries tend to have a broad impact on the player, either remaining unread until the end of the game, stopping to read each entry as it appears, or being ignored altogether. While Active Time Lore does not eliminate this aspect of player behavior, it does help clarify the story of Final Fantasy 16 as the narrative unfolds.

    To further enhance the gameplay benefits of Active Time Lore, opening this submenu will not only provide an extensive glossary for you to read through. Instead, it only provides information relevant to what is currently happening in the story, such as the characters that appear and where they are located. This has a way of stripping away the vast amount of information needed to understand the world of Final Fantasy 16's Valisthea in relation to any given moment. See for more details on the game guide.

  • Less than a week after the start of Chapter 4, Season 3, Fortnite has already introduced the Red Eye Assault Rifle, bringing something new to the arsenal. it's been a while since Fortnite has had a sneak peek, and despite the full launch, the game continues to receive plenty of content additions as well as constant updates. In this way, Epic Games can assure its fans that it will continue to receive plenty of patches to change things up for the duration of the game's run. Players can prepare enough Fortnite V-BUCKS in the game.

    Chapter 4, Season 3 introduced several weapons to Fortnite, and many players are still getting familiar with each of the new items. From Wildwasps to Cybertron Cannons, this jungle-themed season has it all, and there's a weapon to suit any play style. However, Epic Games wasn't happy with the changes, so it decided to make some changes a few days before the start of Season 3.

    Players will no longer be able to put the Red Eye Assault Rifle in their item bar, as it has just been removed from Fortnite. the official Fortnite Status account revealed its removal on June 13, and in the same post it also mentioned that a new weapon would be added to replace it; fans will now encounter the new MK-Alpha Assault Rifle. This weapon is similar to the now arch-shaped MK-7 assault rifle.

    This change in the arsenal will likely not cause much of a stir in the meta-game. Currently, the lack of mobility items in Fortnite is a major concern for fans in the game's competitive scene. Chapter 4 maps are huge, and ever since Epic Games introduced Kinetic Blade, ODM Gear and Spider-Verse Web-Shooters, three of the most popular ways to navigate the map, gamers have been having trouble coping with having to use cars and bikes to get around.

    Fortnite WILDS is a completely different concept compared to last season's Fortnite MEGA, and Epic Games has been making these small changes to try to get the best out of the game and keep it as balanced as possible. Some fans have a different take on this decision, and it's nice to see mobility items being cut from Fortnite this season. See for more details on the game guide.