A major enhancement to Watch Dogs 2's Light of Order not mentioned in the patch notes could make the damage hero a major asset in matches. Despite Symmetra getting significant enhancements, which are actually mentioned in the notes, this unmentioned Symmetra update could be a game changer for the Watch Dogs 2 character. Players can prepare enough Overwatch 2 Coins in-game.

Some Overwatch 2 players will choose specific roles based on the abilities and strengths that best suit each player's unique play style. Experimenting with the abilities of support, tank, and damage heroes allows players to find the best fit for their game style in order to make the most of the match. However, sometimes fan-favorite heroes may undergo some rework, which may cause the Overwatch 2 community to voice their concerns. On the other hand, characters sometimes receive gains to their abilities and combat that make them more powerful than they were.

For fans of Order's Light, one major gain not even mentioned in the patch notes seems to make the damage hero an absolute beast. The patch notes mention nerfing her turrets slightly and making her secondary shot able to double-tap while fully charged, but the biggest change to Light of Order is that she can now visibly restore shield energy when damaging an opponent's shield. Early in the game, Light of Order is very powerful, and this secret gain may make the character a new go-to for some players.

When her Primary Flame damages a shield or barrier, Light of Order can restore 30 points of shield life per second. This gain makes Light of Order a major threat to opposing players. Being able to gain shield energy from major fire hits on enemy shields might make Light of Order feel unrivaled. It's odd that the patch notes don't mention this gain, especially when it's such a major upgrade. Several characters in Overwatch 2 have changed recently, but this surprising gain could indeed be a game changer for Order's Light fans.

While the lack of mention in the patch notes or developer comments of Order's biggest gain remains a mystery, the character currently poses a major threat to opponents in this state. Players can utilize this gain to score some incredible victories in Overwatch 2, and it will be exciting to see how they utilize the Light of Order's gain to their advantage. See wokgold.com for more details on the game guide.