The first season of Diablo 4 was all about malignity--specifically, the many Malignant Hearts players can equip to make their characters more powerful. These are ripped straight from the powerful new Demons that can be found throughout Sanctuary in the Seasonal Realm, and when used correctly, they can greatly expand the core identity of a class. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

Vicious hearts are like socketable gems. Once inserted into a player's accessory, these hearts grant powers comparable to legendary aspects. Mixing and matching these powers will be at the heart of Diablo 4's first season, and players will need to understand exactly what each heart does before embarking on a new build. Below are all 32 Vicious Hearts available in Season 1.

Diablo 4: Hearts of All Evil
Malicious hearts are divided into four categories: Evil (Offensive), Cruel (Defensive), Cunning (Practical), and Wrathful (Super). Each heart has a different effect based on its class, and this is further divided by character class. However, most Vicious Hearts fall into the general category, which means players will have more freedom in building them.

Here are all 32 Vicious Hearts in Diablo 4 Season 1 as revealed by Blizzard.

Picana (Malicious)
Critical Strikes charge the enemy for 0.75-2.50 seconds, causing lightning between the enemy and any other charged enemies, dealing 68-136 Lightning damage.
Dance of Darkness (Evil - WT3) Seduction of Fate (Evil - WT3) Lionheart (Cruel)
Every 5 seconds, when above 60% health, core skills will drain 68-51 health instead of your primary resource. Life-consuming skills deal 10-20% increased damage.
Tempted Fate (Vicious - WT3)
You gain 40-60% critical strike damage, but 20-15% less non-critical strike damage. You gain 10% Barrier Generation. When you have an active barrier, you heal 3-7 health per second.
Vengeance (Cruel - WT3)
Instead, 10-20% of incoming damage is suppressed. When you use Defense, Trick or Terror abilities, all suppressed damage is amplified by 250% and explodes, dealing up to 1360-2040 Fire damage to nearby enemies.
Prudent Heart (Cruel - WT3)
After losing more than 20% of your life in an attack, you become immune for 2.0-4.0 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 110 seconds.
determination (cunning)
Resource consumption effects reduced by 40-50%. Additionally, resource generation is increased by 3.0-8.0%.
Retaliation (Cunning - WT3)
Deals 510-680 Fire damage to nearby enemies when crowd control is removed from you.
Calculated (Cunning - WT3)
After consuming 150-200 prime resources, your next attack will stun enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Vicious Pact (Wrath)
Vicious rewards for every 20 kills
Unholy: Gain 20% Attack Speed.
Devious: Core and Basic skills have a 15% chance to fully restore your primary resource.
Brutal: Every 21 seconds, gain a barrier that absorbs 85-102 damage.
Creepy Death (Rage - WT3)
Your damage over time effect is increased by 30-40% for each different crowd control effect on the target. Conversely, unstoppable monsters and stagger bosses take 110-130% increased damage from damage over time effects.
Barber (Rage - WT3)
The critical hit and all subsequent damage for 2.0-4.0 seconds are absorbed by the target. The absorbed damage then bursts to surrounding enemies. Stored damage increases by 10% every second.

focused anger (evil)
After spending 100-60 Rage over 2 seconds, your next non-basic ability has a 20-30% increased critical strike chance.
Resurrection Life (Cruel)
When below 40-60% health, you are healed for 50-60% from all sources.
Punishment Speed (Detour)
When the attack speed of the ability is higher than 35-20%, your ability has a 20-30% chance to knock down all enemies for 1.25 seconds.
Ignore Pain (Rage - WT4)
Incoming damage has a 5-15% chance to be ignored and heals you for 17-68.
Cluster Munitions (Vicious)
Lucky Hits: You have up to 20% chance to fire 3 stun grenades, dealing 26-32 Physical damage to enemies and stunning them for 0.50 seconds.
trick (cruel)
Leave behind an unstable shadow-bait trap to taunt enemies when you use the Trick skill. Shadowbait traps explode after 6.0 seconds, dealing 680-1020 Shadow damage. Cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds.
cut shot (cunning)
Lucky Strike: Your Brutal skills have up to 20-40% chance to slow enemies by 40% for 3 seconds, and your Sharpshooter skills have up to 20-40% chance to knock enemies back.
Evil Apothecary (angry)
Your attacks have a 5-15% chance to apply all Infusion Effects at 40-50% of normal potency.

Defiler (Malicious)
Equipped corpse skills are automatically activated every second when approaching a corpse, dealing 40-30% less damage.
Dilapidated Aura (Cruel)
When at least 5 enemies are near you, gain an aura that automatically curses nearby enemies with Enfeeble for 5-15 seconds.
Freezing Terror (Sly)
Lucky Strike: 10-20% chance to inflict fear for 2.5 seconds. Feared enemies are cooled by 20% every second.
Feast (angry)
Each minion drains 1.0-2.0 Essence per second, but deals 50-75% increased damage. With no minions, this bonus applies to you and costs 5 Essence per second.
Moonrage (Evil)
Kills have a 5% chance to summon a wolf companion to your side for 20-30 seconds. Also, Wolves get +3.
restless wind (cruel)
When there are 8-13 close enemies, the Whirlwind Armor will be cast automatically. This can only happen once every 10-20 seconds.
Ruthless Might (Cunning)
When you activate your ultimate, up to 30-50 distant enemies will be pulled towards you.
Unleashed Beast (Wrath)
When you are hit by a Stun, Freeze or Knockdown effect, there is a 40-60% chance to automatically activate Grizzly Rage for 3 seconds.

Tarasa (Evil)
For each unique element you deal damage with, you deal 7-12% more damage for 3-10 seconds.
law-breaking (cruel)
After taking elemental damage, the elemental gains 20-40% resistance for 5 seconds.
despite (cunning)
When you are affected by a crowd control effect, there is a 20-40% chance to cause the same enemy and enemies around you to also be affected by the same effect for 3 seconds.
Almighty (angry)
The core skill that fires projectiles consumes all your mana. For every 45-35 Mana you spend, you fire an additional projectile that deals 3.0-5.0% increased damage.

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