There are five large open world areas for players to explore in Diablo 4. At the beginning of the game, players will find themselves in the Broken Mountain. Every area of Diablo 4 offers plenty of things for players to explore and achieve 100% map completion, and thanks to the game's level scaling system, players can get meaningful content from level 1 to level 100. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

Every region in Diablo 4 has a hub city, and in Broken Peak, that city is Kivashad. Players will soon arrive at Kivashad and enter the campaign, but there's still a lot to do outside of the main story. From Lilith Altars to Strongholds, to unique bosses and everything in between, completing the Broken Peak map isn't as easy as you might think in the novice area.

Updated by Erik Petrovich on July 20, 2023: To fully complete the Diablo 4 Broken Peak map, players must find and collect or complete every waypoint, stronghold, point of interest, dungeon, and Altar of Lilith. Players must also complete every side quest in every area of Diablo 4 to be 100% complete - in Broken Peak, there are 35 side quests in total, each of which takes the player into a unique story (or just a jaunt into the wilderness). Side quests sometimes lead to great rewards, including consumables, salvage items, herb caches for rare crafting materials, and sometimes even unique items, so it's worth coming back to pick up these items even if you've completed your Shattered Peak reputation.

All Lilith Altars in Broken Peak
The Lilith Altar in Diablo 4 provides a permanent power boost to all characters within account range. Usually these bonuses come in the form of a small +2 boost to basic stats like Willpower or Strength, but sometimes they can also grant other bonuses like Paragon Points and Obol capacity. Giving all of these to one character is a good idea, since the boosts will apply to other characters. Altars can still be rediscovered by new characters, but they will only award reputation.

In Broken Peak, Diablo 4 has a total of 160 altars, of which there are 28 Lilith altars. Two of these can be found before entering Kyovoshad. The most efficient way to collect all the Altars of Liss on the Broken Peaks map is to circle the Broken Peaks clockwise from Kovoshad, after collecting the two peaks in the prologue.

Broken Peak map dungeon location
Diablo 4's dungeons are spread throughout Sanctuary, and they always offer one major bonus the first time they're completed: the Codex aspect. Aspects are earned by defeating the final boss of the dungeon, after which they can be used to infuse legendary abilities onto items. Check your Codex collection to keep track of aspects - this puts a marker on the map and a guide directly to its entrance, making it easier to collect aspects important to your class.

In the Broken Peak map, there are 23 dungeons, three of which can only be entered after the player defeats the stronghold in the area.

All strongholds on the Broken Peak map
Strongholds are a one-time event in Diablo 4 that players can participate in for a number of rewards, including 100 reputation with the associated area. These areas are full of monsters or enemies, and it is the player's responsibility to restore peace to the area and bring back its citizens.

Once the fort is complete, the player can usually enter a new town or village with some merchants and side quests. Some waypoints as well as some selected dungeons will also be locked after the stronghold is completed. On the Diablo 4: Broken Peak map, there are three strongholds: Malnok west of Kyovoshad, Kor Dragan in the north, and Nostrava southeast of the main city. For more game guides, please visit