Paul It depends on your preferred refresh rate. 1080p (1920×1080) minimum Mbps: 30FPS 10Mbps 60FPS 20Mbps 120FPS 40Mbps Latency is more important than speed with Maximumsettings game streaming PC's. Make sure it's below 40ms for the best experience.
Paul If you are using Windows please Go to Start > Run and type cmd. You can also search for cmd.exe in the Windows Search function. Press OK to launch Windows Command. This is the default command-line interface for Windows. Type ping
Finatik PAUL I KNEW It, I knew you were cheating on me. I thought we had something special with all those support messages and hours of support messaging, how could you 🙁
Paul There's enough of me to go around. 🙂 You can find me on DISCORD now too.