Hello everyone,

One of our beta testers is reporting that his cloud gaming PC CPU does not meet the minimum specifications for running Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Can any one else confirm this issue?

I will see if I can find a workaround for this soon, but I'm sorry to say our time is extremely limited right now. If anybody has suggestions please let us know.

It might be due to Denuvo DRM

Denuvo DRM requires SSE 4.2 SSE instruction sets. All modern AMD CPUs support SSE 4.2 (all our gaming PC's)

I will check later tonight if the qemu-kvm parameters are set correctly.

GREAT News! We have confirmed that some of our cloud gaming PC's have incorrect qemu-kvm parameters. We will address this SSE 4.2 SSE instruction set issue over the next 2 hours.

That is great to hear, thank you!