Diablo 4 has a lengthy campaign with dozens of side quests to help players upgrade their characters once the main story is complete. Some of these optional quests are only available after reaching specific points in the campaign, such as the Swamp Protection side quest. This Diablo 4 quest is easy to complete for XP, although it will have players trekking through a swamp full of enemies. This guide will show players how to unlock and complete the quest. Players can prepare enough Diablo IV Gold in the game.

Get the Protection of the Swamp quest
The Protection of the Swamp side quest is actually unavailable from the beginning. Players must play the game's campaign until they reach Act 4. There is a small quest line at the beginning of that act where the player is briefly introduced to Timue, and once they have completed a series of quests involving Timue, they can proceed to the side quests.

The player can then visit Timue's Hovel to access the quest, which is located in the Blightmarsh area of Hawezar. Players can easily get there by using the Rakhat Keep Ruins: Inner Yard signpost and traveling southeast to the blue exclamation point marked on the map.

The side quest involves the player delivering medicine to three people near the nearby swamp. Talking to Timue will activate the quest and the player must open the chest behind her to get supplies. There will be a blue circle on the map indicating each person to be delivered to, and each circle is not wide enough to easily get lost. The map above shows each of the three locations.

The first person to deliver to is Baridan located on the west side of the house . The next person is Duraya, who will be west of Baridan. The last person is Laldin, who is northeast of Duraya's position, but does not appear until after the bandit wave in the area has been defeated.

Talking to Laldin will send the player to a nearby bandit camp located in the Forgotten Coast region to the northeast. Players should now have their mounts equipped and be able to travel to the camp faster and easier, avoiding the random mobs of enemies. Eliminating all bandits in the camp is the final goal of the Swamp Protection side quest, and players can return to Timue for a large amount of XP, some resources, and gold as a reward. See oggah.com for more details on the game guide.