so yesterday I logged into maximumsettings and started up my VM but when I clicked on Moonlight it wouldn’t connect. the moonlight client just had the triangle thingy. now, ive seen this before and it was usually solved simply by restarting the VM or waiting a little longer. this time nothing happened. i tried resetting the VM, i tried restarting moonlight. i then tried going into the console of the VM where i thought i’d make a new connection to the moonlight client. but, the settings option in GeForce was grayed out so I couldn’t do that. well, i gave up in frustration. a couple hours later i was able to get back on, but does anyone know what happened there?
couldnt connect to moonlight
U on a trial account? I asked one of the admins bout this awhile ago when it happened to me. Apparently, the short of it is... buy an upgraded account. Meaning, get a paid account. I might be wrong about this, so hopefully the correct me if I got it wrong... it has to do with the way they allot the cloud PC you are using. If you have a paid account you get a set system. If you on a trial account, they might move you off your PC (to another one) to make way for a paying customer. You will still get a pc, but you might not be able to connect to it until you are bounced to the next one. I think that's how they explained it.
jhitcha_2012m Is definitely right when on a trial account they put you on whats available for hardware, that being said you'll bounce around to different Graphic Cards a lot which can cause drivers to not be properly installed making it so the game stream is not working and therefor you wont be able to connect with moonlight but usually the simple fix is just Shutting down and starting again I do not fully know what happened in your case facdprgyusr it may require an admin to look into it.
yes im on a trial account. i get it. you pay, you play. it hasnt been an issue for the past 2 days. i only have 10 days left of the trial. system totally works otherwise.
I wrote about this very same problem weeks ago. I can at least confirm that since I've converted to a paid account, I haven't had any issues with moonlight not connecting to the VM after startup. It's good that paying customers get a dedicated cloud PC.