
  • Joined Apr 8, 2020
  • Hey, don't you think you are being a little disrespectful, the admins of this service are extremely nice but also they have a lot of work and they will respond ONLY when they have time, so if u post something and don't get a reply a hour later you need to wait a bit longer bud P.S the admin underestimated the pc, they can go well beyond 75 fps

    From a A+ user on their discord(discord.gg/maximumsettings)

  • Hey, I'm one of the A+ Rated customers the reply the first guy had given to you was valid and I believe that there was no need to be rude like that also if you needed any extra help all you have to do is join the discord server we can gladly help you out there but I just don't understand why you were rude to the guy in the first post as he gave a valid reason
    P.S (Discord link discord.gg/maximumsettings)

    -sincerely DirectGaming

  • I'd like to understand. Tell me more about why you're skeptical (shame). What can I do to relieve your fears and how can I help you feel comfortable enough to move forward?

    You can expect an average of at least 75fps on Ultra at 1920x1080 resolution. A minimum of around 40fps with ray tracing set to High.

  • First of all, I wasn't writing to you. This was meant for the admin. I happen to notice that they decided not to reply to my comment. It's a shame. Here I thought I was giving the business a great opportunity to "sell" their product to new users, or even more importantly, potential customers. They didn't use the opportunity. That's their choice. You on the other hand should mind your own business.

    Yes, I did try it, and am continuing to try the free 100 hrs. The system has a few bugs, but for the most part, I am impressed. I'm not going to post the stats for Exodus as I'm going to leave that for admin. I'm not going to do the work for them 😉

    • Dude. Thats why they offer a free 100hrs of promo. sign up and try it. Impress yourself!

    • Okay, so everyone knows the legend of Metro Exodus and how it’s pretty much impossible to play the game truly at max settings. I want to know, if I get your lower tier plan (GTX 1070s), what settings will your rig really play Exodus at? I’m talking at 120 FPS. Don’t worry about my connection speed. It won’t be an issue. I’ve done the reading, latency won’t be an issue either. Same thing with the top tier plan (GTX 2080 Ti). In the end, it’s not just about the GPUs, but the CPU, RAM etc. What can your “gaming PCs” really do? Exodus is the benchmark. Measure up. Impress me!