wuts up with qrnetworks and the internets stuf? i want to hook it up yo. the availability date keeps changin. i know maximumsettings and qrnetworks are bros from the same co. seriusly, when is qrnetworks internets really going to be availbe?

You can join the discord server and ask the Admins directly 🙂

What’s this business about QRnetworks? Does MaximumSettings also sell internet? Anyone have a link?

    jhitcha_2012m Hey, They have a broadband service that is only available in Canada in places like Ontario and quebec, which shares the data center with their cloud gaming service. As you can imagine clients of thier broadband service would get an amazing connection to their cloud pc. https://qrnetworks.com/

      Hey BobbyG . Thanks for the link.

      Has anyone here got the service? Any good?
      I know they might say ask around on Discord, but honestly, Discord just isn't my thing. Would love to hear if anyone has got the QRnetworks internet service.

      i dont have qrnetworks internets but i bin waiting for it. prices r a lot better than rogers (robbers) and bell (hell). def not the cheapest, you can find better dealz, but I gotta git my latency dwn under 20ms and like my man Booby G says... shitz unda da same roof. its gunna be quick. free hrs on maximumsettings is sic 2. check dem bundlz.

        6 days later

        I checked out the QRnetworks internet. Plugged my postalcode into the availability checker but it says ‘only available in Quebec and Ontario’. Funny, I could have sworn I lived in Toronto. NEways I guess the service isn’t up and running yet. Can anyone from MaximumSettings actually confirm when this QRnetworks internet will be available? Is it still in development or something?

        The launch date has been postponed due to the growing Covid-19 outbreak.